trna ligase การใช้
- "Dioclea brasiliensis " is able to tolerate this however as it has the most highly discriminatory arginine-tRNA ligase known.
- Yeast tRNA ligase adds an adenosine monophosphate group to the 5'end of the 3'- half and joins the two halves together.
- An example of this ability can be found in the larvae of the tobacco budworm " Heliothis tRNA ligase has little, if any, discriminatory capacity.
- When this enzyme acts on tRNAAsp, it catalyses the same reaction as EC 6.1 . 1.12, aspartate---tRNA ligase.
- Two mouse models of CMT2D have been used to better understand the disease, identifying that the disorder is caused by a toxic gain-of-function of the mutant glycine-tRNA ligase protein.
- Subsequent sequence comparison revealed the full tRNA-like domain ( TLD ) formed by the 5'and 3'ends of tmRNA, including the acceptor stem with elements like those in alanine tRNA that promote its aminoacylation by alanine-tRNA ligase.
- The proteins used were the DNA polymerase III beta-subunit, initiation factor IF-2, leucyl-tRNA synthetase, the phenylalanine tRNA ligase beta-subunit, VARS, elongation factor Tu, the RNA polymerase beta-subunit, and the ribosomal proteins L2, S5, and S11.
- Around 80 % of people with DM test positive for ANA and around 30 % of people have myositis-specific autoantibodies which include antibodies to aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases ( anti-synthetase antibodies ), including antibodies against Histidine tRNA ligase ( also called Jo-1 ); antibodies to signal recognition particle ( SRP ); and anti-Mi-2 antibodies.